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Pets undoubtedly make for wonderful additions to your family and home, but they can leave quite a mess, especially if you have carpets. Pet owners are all too familiar with the constant effort it takes to clean up behind their dogs or cats. Homeowners interested in enlisting the services of professional carpet cleaners, also want to rest assured knowing the service is safe for their furry friends. The cleaning specialists at Canadian Carpet Cleaning tackled some of the most commonly asked questions about professional carpet cleaning and pets below. Read on to get the answers from certified cleaning professionals about taking care of carpets in your home with pets.

Frequently asked questions about professional carpet cleaning and cats and dogs

Can Professional Carpet Cleaning Make Dogs and Cats Sick?

Dogs and cats frequently lick their paws as part of self-grooming. If there are any harmful toxins that are used in your carpet cleaner, then these chemicals could be transferred to your pets’ fur and ingested when they clean their paws.

That is why it is important to use a reliable carpet cleaning service that only works with safe chemicals to clean your floors. Even though a professional carpet cleaning service uses powerful chemicals and tools to clean your carpets, they are trained and knowledgeable about how to avoid products that can be harmful to humans or animals when breathed in.

Can Professional Carpet Cleaning Remove Dog and Cat Urine?

Professional carpet cleaners are likely your best resource for removing unsanitary dog and cat urine from your carpets. We work with pet-friendly cleaning products to remove even the deepest urine stains from your carpet. This includes eliminating noticeable odours from stains.

One of the hidden dangers of letting dog or cat urine stay on your carpet for too long is that the moisture can accumulate and lead to the buildup of mould or mildew over time, not to mention the unbearable odour. The pet urine can seep through the carpet pads and damage the sub floor if left to accumulate for too long.

Can Professional Carpet Cleaning Remove Pet Dander?

Pet dander can be problematic for those who suffer from allergies. It can also make it more difficult to breathe indoors. Professional deep carpet cleaning methods work to remove pet dander from the surface and deep within the bottom layer of your carpet so that these particles do not linger in your home.

How Often Should You Have Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned When You Have Pets?

You should have your carpet professionally cleaned at least twice a year if you have dogs or cats in your home. Of course, you should consider scheduling a professional cleaning service more frequently if you have many pets.

Although taking the time to vacuum your carpets frequently will help reduce the amount of fur, pet dander and other particles that your pets leave behind, you should still have your carpets professionally cleaned. Home vacuums are often not strong enough on their own to remove all the remnants of pet fur from your carpets.

The good news is that getting your carpets professionally cleaned will prolong their life and reduce your exposure to unwanted bacteria and dust particles in your home.

Contact Canadian Carpet Cleaning Today

Call the carpet cleaning experts at Canadian Carpet Cleaning at 647-797-3527 to find out how we can take care of all your carpet cleaning needs – while keeping your pets in mind. Get in touch with our team in Oshawa to learn more about our carpet cleaning services or book an appointment.

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